• Via files confidentially to go public – TechCrunch

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:23:37

    On-demand shuttle service and software company Via has confidentially filed to go public, the company said in a statement. The company has not yet determined how many shares will be offered or what the price range for the proposed offering will look like, as is typical for this sort of releas

  • Editorial: No simple solution to gun violence, but despair isn't working

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:23:25

    Our hearts are with the parents of the four students slain Tuesday in Oxford, a hell no parent should have to endure; and with the seven others wounded in the same attack. We pray for their swift, full recovery. 

    We sympathize as well with parents who felt death brush past their chi

  • Inside the Industry | California Apparel News

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:23:19

    By Apparel News Staff | Monday, December 27, 2021

    Boardriders Inc. has announced the selection of Longbow Advantage, the brand behind The Rebus Platform, for its new warehouse-visibility and labor-management solution. Rebus is a unified supply-chain-vi

  • Extreme cold challenges emergency shelters in Bend, Portland - OPB

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:22:57

    In Bend, the only emergency overnight shelter closes before sunrise. Some guests move to a daytime warming shelter about a mile away. Others, like 70-year old John Steele, wait outside until the doors open again in the evening.

    “I have trouble moving, so it takes me a long time to go f

  • How to manage and reduce technical debt in Agile

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:22:19

    When debt accrues, it needs to be paid back over time and usually with interest. Technical debt is no different.

    When developers add functionality, scalability or interoperability to a given program, they risk racking up technical debt. For example, if developers take shortcuts to add ne

  • Candy KY Chen | World Trademark Review

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:22:11

    Candy KY Chen is a managing partner and head of the international patent department at Tsai Lee & Chen. She was first admitted as a Taiwan patent agent in 2000 and later registered as a Taiwan patent attorney. Ms Chen is also a registered US patent agent. Ms Chen specialises in technologyr

  • China launches five-year plan to become a hub of global robotics innovation - SiliconANGLE

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:21:31

    China announced a five-year roadmap to achieve its goal of becoming a global robotics innovation hub by the year 2025.

    In the plan announced today, it said it aims to do this by focusing on enhancements in key areas such as control panels and servomotors.

    China’s Ministry of Indu

  • Manufacturing management software - Aerospace Manufacturing and Design

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:21:18

    MMS Version 8, the newest release of Fastems’ Manufacturing Management Software (MMS), boosts CNC automation intelligence by introducing MMS Insights view, giving practical ideas and suggestions on how to improve CNC production. Fastems also developed the user experience and added functional

  • Tripartite effort to set up smart factory

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:21:14

    Total Access Communication (DTAC) Plc, the country's third largest mobile operator by subscriber base, has collaborated with the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec) and auto parts maker Daisin to develop a smart factory prototype capitalising on 5G and Internet of Thin

  • San Antonio’s Plus One Robotics is a winner in rush to automate amid pandemic

    by admin on 2021-12-30 08:19:56

    Zohair Naqui checks the positioning of lights over a machine as Plus One Robotics employees work on tuning operations of warehouse robots on April 16, 2020.

    Plus One Robotics is still riding the wave of automation that’s remaking warehouses and other logistics operat