‘Flowers in the Attic’ author V.C. Andrews biography coming Feb. 1

2022-05-29 06:01:45 By : Ms. Polyster KLX

This year is bound to be a page-turner for best-selling novelist Andrew Neiderman — literally and figuratively.

For starters, the Palm Springs resident who became the ghostwriter for acclaimed scribe V.C. Andrews ("Flowers in the Attic," "Petals on the Wind") following her death in 1986, will release her long-awaited biography. "The Woman Beyond the Attic: The V.C. Andrews Story" drops Feb. 1. It's already generating buzz and racking up pre-orders.

Then, come March, "Becoming My Sister," lands in the marketplace. Locals may be intrigued by the Andrews tale for the mere fact that the Coachella Valley is one of the characters — the story revolves around two sisters who endure love, rivalry and an astonishing disappearance amidst the luxury of Palm Springs, particularly The Movie Colony neighborhood.

"The mother of the girls in the book is obsessed with the famous people who partied in the house," Neiderman says. "She treats the house and the artifacts like religious icons and is more involved with all that than she is with her two daughters. As in all V.C. Andrews novels, the challenges to familial love are explored, especially sibling rivalry. I hope the readers really sense the location and become attached to the characters emotionally."

That should be plenty to keep a prolific author busy on the publicity front, but alas, Hollywood beckons.

To that end, "Dawn," the bestselling book from The Cutler Series, makes its way to the screen. The five-part dark family book series that Neiderman penned in the 1990s under Andrews' moniker, begins production sometime this year.

Then there's Lifetime's "Flowers in the Attic: The Origin," a prequel television series of Andrews' classic — it's based entirely on the first V.C. Andrews novel Neiderman wrote, "Garden of Shadows." Jemima Rooper and Max Irons headline the outing, playing Olivia Winfield and Malcolm Foxworth, the grandparents of Cathy and Chris Dollanganger, the protagonists in "Flowers." Kelsey Grammer, Harry Hamlin, Paul Wesley, Kate Mulgrew and Hannah Dodd round out the large ensemble cast.

The series explores, among other things, how the character of Olivia goes from living a fairy-tale-like existence to one that finds her devolving into the most shocking version of herself, eventually leading her to lock her grandchildren in the attic.

"We have some wonderful actors," Neiderman says of production, which was shot in Romania. "Kelsey Grammer flew over to play Malcolm Foxworth's father, and it's looking good. I've seen all eight hours without the music and the final editing. But I can see it was shot very well. I'm excited about it.

"And," the author quickly adds, "I can't reveal it right now, but there'll be a huge announcement either at the end of this month or beginning of next month. I mean, when I say 'huge,' it'll be one of the biggest entertainment stories of the season, if not the last couple years."

The plot thickens. Which makes the release of Andrews' biography even more timely and heartfelt.

"At the time of her death, V.C. Andrews had sold about 25 million books and was known so well," Neiderman says. "But nobody really knew about her life, and that's why I wrote the biography — finally."

The book celebrates the woman who took readers across the globe to the heights of a secluded attic while also illuminating what lurks deep within the shadows of the human psyche. Family photos, personal letters and even a partial manuscript for an unpublished novel the author wrote also fill the tome.

Other major revelations from the biography are tightly sealed until its released, but the following bits should pique interest:

"One thing that people don't realize is V.C. Andrews didn't publish until she was 55," Neiderman says. "That's an amazing feat, because 55? Their first book? Most people give up way before that."

The public may not have comprehended how Andrews' handicap truly affected her either.

"She didn't just have some medical procedures that made her life difficult," Neiderman says. "She was very isolated for most of those 55 years. It wasn't until 'Flowers in the Attic' was published and became a phenomenon that the door was unlocked, and she came out — literally. Because even with the name, readers didn't know it was a woman. They didn't think women could write terror books back then."

The celebrated author was born Cleo Virginia Andrews and also went by Virginia C. Andrews. As Neiderman explains in the biography, she was always intrigued with family relationships, and that filtered into her work.

"She was interested in why people who love each other hurt each other — what's the reason?" he says. "Why is there all this tension in family life where it should be easiest? Strangers should be more difficult than family, but in V.C. Andrews' family, well, they had become strangers."

Neiderman's evolution into the Andrews universe began serendipitously. Both authors shared the same agent.

"I was publishing quite a bit of thrillers that, in those days, were varied from being called horror or terror or just thrillers," he says. "Novels like 'Pin,' which was made into a feature film, and eventually 'The Devil's Advocate.'"

The latter starred Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, and Charlize Theron on screen.

"But I was in a more graphic, physically violent environment than V.C. Andrews was (creatively)," Neiderman says. "I had a couple of things going for me. I was a teacher and taught creative writing, so I was very familiar with the variables of style. The other thing was being a teacher in a high school, I had varying familiarity with teenage issues, especially young women. And so, I kind of identified with that."

Still, it must have been daunting stepping into Andrews' shoes.

"It was," Neiderman says with concrete certainty. However, 36 years after he began his tenure, more than 100 Andrews novels now exist, tallying 107 million copies in book sales worldwide with translations in 25 foreign languages. Collectively, Neiderman has published 156 novels, a mix of his own and those under the Andrews umbrella.

Few people could have predicted such profound success. However, one Andrews tidbit allows room for speculation: The author felt she had the ability to see the future and was convinced she was gifted with ESP.

Did her "spiritual" affinity strengthen her writing success?

"I think that's true for most successful writers," Neiderman says. "You have to have a sense of the future. You have to be able to foresee, once you create a character, where that character is going to go. You must have a sense of destiny. Otherwise, you're just sitting there wondering, but if you have it in your head and if you can envision it, your envisioning is part of the 'psychic' part.

"V.C. Andrews saw so much in the world around her and then kind of predicted, through the things she wrote, what could happen or what would happen — and what will happen," he adds. "I think people will be very excited to learn about 'Flowers in the Attic,' how her life wove into it, where it originated and how she produced it. Some writers are done after one book, but it was her destiny that that original title would overshadow everything. But I really think she enjoyed it."

Andrew Neiderman will be featured in an online authors' event Friday, Feb. 4. For more details, visit crowdcast.io/e/vcandrews/register.

Greg Archer writes about change agents, happenstance, and the entertainment industry. His work has appeared in the USA Today Network, Palm Springs Life, Huffington Post, The Advocate and other media outlets. His memoir, "Grace Revealed," chronicles his Polish family's odyssey during World War II. gregarcher.com.