Noah Hospital Logistics Robot Received over Ten Million CNY in Series B+ Round | EqualOcean

2022-06-25 05:03:30 By : Ms. Belan ForUDesigns

Noah Hospital Logistics Robot recently received over ten million CNY in Series B+ round, with most of the funds going toward product development and marketing.

Noah is a Chinese high-tech company that focuses on medical logistic robot research and development, design, manufacturing, and applications. The company collaborates strategically with Huawei on 5G services and helps develop the national robotics standard. Noah's goal is to create a 5G smart logistics solution specifically for hospitals.

Noah's medical robot's 23 models, which cover 21 different application scenarios, now meet 95% of the hospital's material transportation needs. As of May 2022, the company had assisted over 110 hospitals across the country and actively responded to local hospital requests, sending a total of 13 products in the prevention and control of COVID-19 outbreaks.

Logistics are essential in hospital management for improving operational effectiveness and implementing sophisticated oversight. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the demand for automatic logistics robots in hospital settings has increased. 

Noah's Hospital Logistics Robots have six significant advantages over conventional logistic robots and human labor: high load capacity, digital traceability, flexible capacity, low risk of cross-infection, low energy consumption, and low land use and cost. Because of these six advantages, Nova's product is the best option in epidemics where we know the risks associated with traditional hospital logistics.

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