On the first day of Pride Month, Ohio lawmakers pass ban on transgender girls playing girls sports: Today in Ohio - cleveland.com

2022-06-04 02:18:20 By : Mr. Mr. SDGH

Today in Ohio, the daily news podcast of cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer.

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Rep. Jena Powell, a Darke County Republican, tacked an amendment on to a teacher training bill on the first day of Pride month, claiming that allowing transgender women to play on women’s sports teams is a violation of Title IX.

We’re talking about the transgender sports ban on Today in Ohio.

Editor Chris Quinn hosts our daily half-hour news podcast, with impact editor Leila Atassi, editorial board member Lisa Garvin and content director Laura Johnston.

You’ve been sending Chris lots of thoughts and suggestions on our from-the-newsroom text account, in which he shares what we’re thinking about at cleveland.com. You can sign up for free by sending a text to 216-868-4802.

Here are the questions we’re answering today:

Is it coincidence or intentional that the Ohio House passed a ban and transgender girls playing girls sports in high school on the first day of Pride month? What would the bill do?

With parking at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport sometimes completely full, how may spaces might the airport be adding with its purchase and demolition of the hotel on the airport grounds?

Why are the real estate purchases by a candidate for Congress in Ohio being called carpetbagging by the candidate’s critics?

What are some wannabe Democratic candidates for the Ohio Statehouse arguing in a lawsuit that that the Ohio Supreme Court is fast-tracking?

Why is it so hard to find people who want to be firefighters?

With college athletes now able to profit from the names, images and likenesses, what is the strategy at Ohio State University to make sure the Buckeyes remain competitive in recruiting? How much money do Buckeyes athletes have to be paid in this quickly evolving landscape?

Which Ohio Congressman led the Republican opposition to the gun bill House Democrats acted on Thursday?

With all that is going on in Ohio these days, we need more protests, and maybe the Cleveland Institute of Art has the answer. What is the thrust of the exhibit called “We Want Everything,” which ends in a week?

The Cleveland Cavaliers introduced a new logo and branding Thursday. What does it look like, and how different is it from what they’ve been using?

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Chris: [00:00:00] It’s Friday on today in Ohio, the news podcast discussion from cleveland.com and the plain dealer. I’m Chris Quinn here with Lisa Garvin, Laurie Johnston, and Layla Tassie. Before we get started on discussion of the news, I don’t know if you guys saw yesterday, there was a poll that was came out in the governor’s race.

We don’t report polls for reasons we’ve explained. They’re not that reliable. I was surprised at how it was reported though. Cause it showed the one. I had a 15 point lead on Nan Whaley and the reporting on it was, oh my gosh, she’s got a commanding lead and I’m looking at it thinking, wow, he’s been in office longer than Nan.

Willie’s been alive. Everybody in Ohio knows him, hardly anybody knows who Nan Whaley is yet. And she’s only 15 points behind. I’d be doing handstands if I were Nan Whaley. Cause that is a margin. She can overcome if she gets her name out there. But if you look at the reporting, it’s like, it’s, Dwayne’s, Dwayne’s going to win big.

He’s got a huge

Lisa: lead. I don’t [00:01:00] know. She’s got a lot of months to, to make up some ground and you know, a lot of issues that she can push, you know, to, to get her ahead. I would say.

Chris: Yeah. I, I really think the Democrats have a shot here. I, this is, if I were Mike DeWine, I’d be worried. You know, we talked yesterday about the press conference about the autopilot.

We thought we would talk more about it today, but they didn’t say anything. It was like, they weren’t ready to have this press conference. We don’t even know what vehicle we’re going to build. And I’m wondering. The wind feeling the pressure is staging some press conferences and pushed it early. Anyway, it’s a poll.

You can’t really trust polls, but, but the way it’s being reported is odd to

Laura: me. I think Nan Whaley has an opportunity. Guns and abortion to have a really centrist point of view. And if everybody comes out, not just the super partisan people, it’s every, it’s really a get out the vote kind of issue, I think.

Chris: And she’s young and she’s likable. So I [00:02:00] look, I, I just, it’s odd if go look at the news reports on it. Cause I think that the whole focus was completely, completely missed the politics of what’s going on. Anyway, we’re not here to talk about that. Let’s begin. Is it coincidence or intentional that the Ohio house passed a ban on transgender girls playing girls sports in high school on the first day of pride month?

Leila: You know, to do this on the first day of pride is just off the charts offensive, I think. And I find it impossible to believe that they didn’t know what they were doing. Right. I mean, house bill, 1 51 passed 56 to 28 with the Democrats voting against it. It now heads to the Ohio Senate, which is in summer recess and they won’t return until the fall instead of considering testosterone levels or the length of time an athlete has been medically transitioning house bill 1 51.

Is would be an all out ban of transgender girls and women from playing women’s sports. If an athlete’s sex is disputed, she would [00:03:00] have to present assigned physician statement about her internal and external reproductive anatomy and normal endogenously produced levels of testosterone. She also would have to show an analysis of her genetic makeup.

Can you imagine? So technically as representative Beth Liston from Columbus pointed out, if a girl looks a little too masculine, or if a parent is upset that another child gets more playing time than their child, they could simply call into question the other child’s anatomy. And there goes the. The entire analysis of this, uh, this person’s, uh, sexual identity, um, you know, outrageously this bill started out as something entirely, something else entirely.

It sought to change the Ohio resident educator program, which assists new teachers with mentoring and professional development. As they start out their careers, the bill would permit online mentoring in addition to in-person mentoring and stuff like that. [00:04:00] But on the Ohio house floor, late Wednesday night representative Gina Powell, a Republican from Darke county offered this amendment to the bill based on an earlier bail that she had sponsored called the save women’s sports act.

That bill had only received two hearings after being introduced last year. Back then Powell tried to add the save women’s sports act into another bill, protecting college athletes, names, images, and likenesses. Remember that everybody, she tried to hide this objectionable idea in the guts of a bill that most people could get behind, but her amendment died in the Senate back that.

So here it is again.

Chris: Yeah. I mean, they’re going to argue that because they passed it when they did, because it was the last day before their recess. But, but you’re right. The significance of doing it when they did it, it’s a slap in the face. You know, we talked yesterday about how the legislature should not have done the third grade reading guarantee.

They should have used educators to figure out what the best way to get kids to read is [00:05:00] that Ohio high school athletic association. I had put a lot of thought into a policy on transgender. They’re the experts on this. And they really had invested themselves and coming up with a policy. And here we have lawmakers on completely partisan grounds with no thought about the sign.

Overruling the educators and saying, this is the way it’s going to go in a, in a, what is a pretty offensive kind of program. And you’re right. Wait, the minute somebody takes a fence at the athletic prowess of a girl in a high school athletic contest, they’re going to say, I want the test. I want the test.

I think they’re a boy and that’ll be awful.

Leila: Yeah. Right. And, and, you know, by, by shoehorning it into another piece of legislation, You’re you’re bypassing the important part of the legislative process, where you hear from the people where you’re you gather the feedback back from your constituents and learn about the impact of your discriminatory policy, unreal people.

Paul is trying to get this [00:06:00] passed before transgender students have a chance to be heard. Well, I, you know, I can only imagine that doing this at the very beginning of pride month is going to whip up all that opposition. And so. Well, it’s also,

Chris: it’s also illegal that doesn’t seem to matter with our lawmakers anymore, the governor, because you’re supposed to have single subject bills and cramming.

Yeah. So, I mean, you can challenge this law through the Ohio Supreme court because it doesn’t do that, but, but, and that’s what’s right. Th the reason they do it is they don’t want to have the hearings. It’s what they do in the lame duck session. They pass all sorts of stuff and they, and we never get to have hearings about it.

Um, it’s a very cynical approach. And again, it’s the lawmakers breaking the law, which, which has created just statewide cynicism about our elected leaders. It’s a kind of a sad day. It would have been worth having a real discussion about this because there are a lot of Ohio ones that are still trying to figure out what they think about it.

You’re listening to [00:07:00] today in Ohio. With parking at Cleveland Hopkins international airport sometimes completely full. How many spaces might the airport be adding with its purchase and demolition of the hotel on the airport grounds? We said, we talked previously about how they’re buying that hotel and they thought it would be parking, but they’ve quantified what it will mean in parking.

Lisa: Yes, I’m the city of Cleveland is going to pay 12.1 million to terminate the lease of the Sheraton Cleveland airport hotel. That. 26 years early, and that will pave the way for its demolition later this year or early next year, the hotel closed permanently on Tuesday. So it has a 432 space parking lot that will open to travelers very soon.

And that will be added to the orange. And then after the hotel is demolished, that will create about four to 500 more parking spaces. The, the, yeah, the Sheraton hotel was, it was declining. It opened back in 1959. It was bought by LN hospitality. In 2015, [00:08:00] they had a lease for $300,000 a year that went through 2048, but that’s been terminated.

And Ellen hospitality was sued last year for defaulting on their loans. There was a bad city inspection. The hotel was in very poor shape. Um, airport director, Robert Kennedy says that the airlines that do business at Hopkins will cover the purchase of the hotel. And they hope to recoup that in about 10 years, they figure about 1.2 to $1.4 million a year in added parking revenue.

Once that’s, once the hotel is gone.

Chris: Yeah. I mean, I guess this could be debatable, but that’s, that’s a walkable parking area. If you park there, you’re about as far away as the distant part of the garage. And so you don’t have to wait for a shuttle to come get you.

Lisa: Yeah. And that was a big thing is that these are adjacent to the orange lot.

They’re very close to a walkable situation, but you know, this is interesting. I did not know this Hopkins really lags on airport space, parking spaces, comparable airports, Columbus has 16. [00:09:00] Spaces Pittsburgh has 14,000 Hopkins has 6,500 today, and they’re only going to get maybe a thousand more. That’s

Chris: cause they tore down that garage.

They had a huge garage and rather than make it work, they tore it down, which really puts people into a bind if they arrive at the airport with not a lot of time. And the place is crowded speaking as someone who wants to drive to New York, because I couldn’t find parking for my flight. It’s good news that they’re adding, but there, there seems to be a need for a much more thorough parking solution at the airport, maybe as part of their big plan.

We’ll start talking about that. It’s today in Ohio. Why are the real estate purchases by a candidate for Congress in Ohio being called carpetbagging by the candidates, critics, Laura, this was an interesting strategy by somebody who really wants to get elected.

Laura: Yeah, this is Madison to Zerto Gilbert, and she bought three houses just to run when [00:10:00] she didn’t know where the boundaries would be.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just like buy three houses. Um, she also spent three months running for a Toledo based congressional seat before announcing in March that she would run instead. And the newly. 13th congressional district that includes all of summit county, a sliver of Portage and Northern star county, to be fair while the redistricting drama was playing out, nobody knew where the boundaries were going to be.

So it was this very uncertain period. And I think she was just trying to. Play the odds of where she could get elected. Obviously she really wants to be in Congress. She beat out I believe five or six other candidates in the primary, uh, in may. But yeah, she, uh, her, her now competitor, long time, Ohio legislator, Emilia psyched of Akron is calling her a carpetbagger.

Chris: Well, I, if you want to run for Congress and the gerrymandering problems, don’t give you an idea of what. [00:11:00] Your line will be, I guess, what, what choice do you have? Right. I mean, you have to live in the district. You’re running,

Laura: you could rent a place. I mean, could I go over some of the prices that she paid? So she bought a house in Canton and April, 2019 for 250, $3,000.

She recently she sold that a year later for 3 25. So obviously made some money there. Then her, her family bought in March 20. 21 at it was after she married a former NFL tackle named Marcus Gilbert. She brought property in Hartville. That property is valued at 463,000. We don’t know exactly how much they pay for it.

And then, uh, I dunno, 10 months later they bought a $2 million property in north Canton and that was sale registered one day before she announced that she would run for Congress, but she thought she’d be facing Marcy Kaptur, which I love this on Twitter, somebody. They had a direct flight between Canton and mercy.[00:12:00]

Chris: Alright, interesting strategy. We’ll see if it pays off

Leila: for it. It’s funny to me that like throughout this redistricting debacle, the Democrats are saying that the Republicans who were holding the pen and have been using their knowledge of Democrats plans to run in certain districts, to draw them out of those districts or to draw multiple candidates into the same district.

And then. This is how Republicans get around

Laura: the district. There’s also a golf course. I believe that her family owns, but, um, she is, I wanted to say she is from the area like she was born, I believe in Jackson township. So it’s, it’s not like she just moved into a room. Bought and decided to call it home.

Like she does have roots there, but one other interesting tidbit is that secretary of state, frankly, rose texted Gilbert about the boundaries of the 13th and ninth district, as soon as the maps came out. So you have the guy on the redistricting commission who is in charge of elections for Ohio, texting a candidate and saying, Hey, here’s what the boundaries are going to be.[00:13:00]

She should raise some cysts.

Chris: I don’t know. Great segue to our next question. You’re listening to today in Ohio. What are some want to be democratic candidates for the Ohio state house? Arguing in a lawsuit that the Ohio Supreme court is fast-tracking Layla. This is another example of the secretary of state.

The guy who’s supposed to be the guardian of elections, trying to stick it to Democrats. Every step of this redistricting process, the Republicans have played dirty to try and keep Democrats from winning any seats. This is a really legitimate lawsuit.

Leila: Yes. Yeah. So at the heart of this, we’ve got filing deadlines and the stakes are pretty high because if the Democrats fail here, it could mean they may not have.

Valid candidates in at least three democratic leaning state legislative districts. And it would leave state Democrats even further behind in a year when Republicans are really doing pretty well nationally. So the perspective candidates are for people [00:14:00] who want to run for the state legislature, and two who want to run for the Ohio democratic party central committee.

And. They want to force Frank Le rose and county elections officials to accept their candidate petitions, to run in the August 2nd special primary election. They say Laura’s improperly told elections workers earlier this week to reject their petitions, to prevent Democrats from even fielding candidates for office this year at all.

And the central question is. Whether candidates had to file their petitions in February, like Laura says, or may like the Democrats say, and here’s why it’s even a question. They normally determined filing deadlines by starting at the election date and then counting backwards under the state law. You have to file 90 days before an election to make the ballot counting back from August 2nd, that sets the filing deadline on May 4th.

Writing candidates have to file 72 days before the election. That’s May 22nd. All the plaintiffs in the democratic lawsuit filed this, filed this week, um, to [00:15:00] run before either of those two dates, but in the written guidance to elections officials this week. The rose said candidates needed to file by February 2nd, because last week’s federal court order that finalize the district lines and set August 2nd as the election date, didn’t change the original filing deadlines.

February 2nd is 90 days before May 3rd. When the state legislative elections were supposed to occur and weeks before the lines were even drawn, it seems like a no brainer that one couldn’t have filed to run an election without knowing what district they would be running. It. But Lee rose is saying you could have filed a form in March indicating that you plan to run in a different district.

Given the re-districting debacle, he’s trying to say that had you had that forethought, you could have gotten around this, this dilemma that they find themselves in now, but, uh, this is, uh, this is. Quite a problem. Liros

Chris: has become one of the [00:16:00] most sinister forces in Ohio. He holds himself out like, ah, I’m a good guy.

I’m a good guy. He’s not a good guy. He, he, he, he corrupted the entire gerrymandering system, uh, as part of. Redistricting commission. This is completely disingenuous. He knows he’s wrong. They’ve got to be able to file once they know what the lines are. And just because the court is silent on the deadlines, doesn’t mean they’re enforcing the deadlines who should be bending over backwards to, to support the election process, to help candidates get on the ballot.

It should always be err, on the side. Expanding the participation. And instead he’s using a harebrained theory to, to block democratic leaning districts from having democratic leaders. After having been part of the system that gerrymandered the districts to reduce the number of democratic leaning districts, he’s really a bad.

Leila: It seems to me like this will be an easy one for the court. Don’t you? I mean, if the [00:17:00] state law says you count backward from the election, I feel like the Democrats are going to shake out on the right side of this. Wow.

Chris: And they’re fast tracking it’s so clearly they see that it’s, it’s an

Leila: urgent situation resolve quickly.

Chris: I just, but, but make no mistake while rose is playing dirty, he’s trying to continue to skew and have disproportionate power for his parties. He’s putting party ahead of the voters. He’s putting party ahead of what’s best for the state. And he’s the secretary of state. I mean, this is the guy who’s supposed to put elections above.

Make sure they’re sacrosanct. You’re listening to today. Why is it so hard to find people who want to be firefighters, Lisa who

Lisa: knew well, and this is not just a local problem, it’s a national problem as well. And it’s been years in the making and the pandemic may have, you know, supercharged it a little bit, but firefighter candidates have decreased significantly in recent years and fire chiefs that we talk to [00:18:00] suspect a lot.

Job stress. It is a stressful job. The chances for injury are fairly high. The hours are unpredictable and some departments have, uh, their firefighters be paramedics as well. So they have dual certification and the workweeks are odd. I mean, they, they work out like a couple of days and there were a couple of days off and you know, some people can’t adjust to that, but area fire chiefs are United in saying.

Used to lower their standards. They don’t want to do that, but they need to figure out some new recruiting techniques. So some of the things they’ve talked about is starting in high school, creating fire academies in high school and getting, you know, kids interested in it. And they also want to stress the community service benefits of being a firefighter, which is an interesting tack, uh, cities in the air in Northeast Ohio area are collaborating on regional entry.

Entrance exams. So it would be one intrigues exam, one applicant pool from which the cities can pull their candidates. Uh, the Rhea fire chief Terry [00:19:00] Leadwell says he’s considering lowering the application fee. These are all efforts to try and get more men and women into the firefighter.

Chris: You know, what’s odd is we’ve talked about how they’re having a hard time getting police officers.

And that’s a little more understandable because the police are in the crossfire. Everybody loves firefighters. I mean, who doesn’t, who doesn’t, when the firetruck goes by in the parade clap and get excited. Uh, it seems like they’re also dealing with what everybody’s dealing with finding workers, but this also speaks to, we have too many.

Firehouses in Cuyahoga county, we should have a countywide fire department. So with efficiency, you wouldn’t need as many firefighters at the par part of our problem is we got fire departments everywhere with redundancy where the firehouses are labeled. We talked about this a couple of weeks ago, didn’t we?

Leila: did. Yeah. When we were talking about, uh, mutual aid and how frequently communities have to tap into that to fight their biggest, uh, their biggest fire. They, they so [00:20:00] often have to rely upon one another. Why not create those formalized, you know, just, just formalize the agreements so that you are one big, uh, regional fire department.

Laura: I want to add here though, is not just fighting fires. The majority of these departments, these folks are also IMTS and that is a lot of work. It’s not just. For there to be a fire, right there, responding to all sorts of emergencies. Think about COVID for the last two years they were going into people’s houses.

You know, you’re, they’re driving the ambulance. You’re, you know, you just never know what kind of emergency is going to be coming up. And that must be stressful. And it they’ve got to lift these people on stretchers. Them in their homes and you never know what the condition of the homes are. B. I do see that it’s, it is a stressful job.

And I think the fighting fires is probably a smaller part than the EMT.

Leila: Well, and it’s also true that in, in impoverished communities of where a lot of people are uninsured, they rely upon the, uh, the EMT transport, really healthcare, right? Like [00:21:00] they go to the hospital even for minor illnesses via ambulance.

So it’s true. It’s very true.

Lisa: No. I was gonna say, I hope it works. They used to have to cap their applications just, you know, 10 years ago there were lines out the door for people wanting to be firefighters, but now they’re getting less than 50 applicants and sometimes much less than that. So it’ll be interesting.

Yeah. I had my neighbor’s house across the street, caught fire a couple of years ago, and I think I counted 10 fire departments that showed up to this fire.

Chris: Well, and you’re right about the EMT part, because that involves a lot of heavy lifting. I mean, you’ve got to carry bodies on stretchers downstairs.

That is a major strain on the, on the body. The other thing, one of our colleagues is pointing out yesterday. With the, the expansion of the number of electric cars, you’re getting more fires involving batteries, which have lots of toxic smoke and things. [00:22:00] And so there’s a lot more exposure to possible carcinogens.

It’s a dangerous job and firefighters really. The heroes of the community. Uh, it’s just the surprising change that they are having a hard time attracting them, you know, sending to today in Ohio with college athletes now able to profit from their names, images in likenesses. What’s the strategy at Ohio state university to make sure the Buckeyes remain competitive and recruiting Laura, the name, image, license, the NISL training.

As completely appended the whole college recruiting situation, because with players able to get money that becomes a factor in where they want to play, uh, Ohio. State’s trying to, to cope with this. What are they doing?

Laura: Yeah, they’re really trying to be in the middle of the pack here, basically. According to Douglas, Maurice who attended a meeting.

Uh, this week where they talked about it, they want to spend about $13 million on basically [00:23:00] compensating their athletes. That’s the price tag that the football coach Ryan Day put on it. And this was at the Covelli center on campus, uh, to unveil an corporate ambassador program. They want to encourage businesses to hire OSU athletes through the athletic.

And Doug says that you could break this down for an 85 man, uh, scholarship football team at $150, $150,000 per player, which does sound like a lot. But the better calculation is really about $500,000 each for the 26 guys, you can’t live without, because there are going to be some players in some schools that probably.

Benefit at all from this, because they’re not the superstars, right. Ohio state is not directly paying players, which it sounds like other schools are doing, even though it’s not allowed, they’re trying to tie player payments to their actions. And they put forth a bunch of ideas that they could do, like brand endorsements, autograph signings, establishing camps, making appearances and promoting businesses.

Chris: You’ve got to think that the superstar players, the quarterbacks and those [00:24:00] kinds of guys that. Lots of money. It’s that second tier that you want to make sure it gets some money because there they could go, they’ll go elsewhere where somebody will guarantee them the money and it changes the whole game.

It’s the whole, I, I think it’ll take years for this to filter.

Laura: Yeah. Doug was saying, he thinks that the, the top shelf quarterbacks are going to be about $2 million. And then I all money, major offensive tackles and ed rushers would be about a million dollars and they put it in terms of a speed limit.

Like say there’s a 45 mile an hour speed limit. If you go too fast, you’re going to get pulled over. You’re going to get in trouble. If you go too slow, you’re not going to compete. So Doug’s guessing they’re in the 53 to 57 mile per hour range. So, so beating the speed limit a little bit, but. The guy that just whizzes by and scares you on the highway.

Chris: Doug always has a good way of putting this into perspective. Check out his story on cleveland.com. You’re listening to today in Ohio, which Ohio Congressman led the Republican opposition to the gun [00:25:00] bill, that house Democrats act then on Thursday. Surprise. Surprise. I know.

Leila: Right? He’s he’s your favorite Congressman and mine?

Jim Jordan. He seems to be leading the charge against this democratic gun control measure that, uh, it’s intended to thwart mass shootings and. He’s claiming that they’re, they’re just an attempt to hijack American’s right. To bear arms Sabrina Eton reports that the house judiciary committee has been discussing a bill that would ban people under 21 from buying semi-automatic centerfire rifles.

Crack down on large capacity magazines and expand the Biden administration’s ban on bump, stock devices, and privately made ghost guns that lacks serial numbers. And this bill would also address gun storage and establish a new federal firearms offense for gun trafficking and straw purchases. But Jim Jordan called it quote more, more like political theater than a real attempt at improving public [00:26:00] safety or finding solutions.

I mean, what is it, if not solutions that they’re suggesting here, he noted that Democrats have the votes to pass whatever they want in the house of representatives, but the legislation under consideration won’t pass in the Senate because 10 GOP votes are currently needed to pass legislation on top of the 50 democratic votes.

And he’s. This bill would not stop the terrible events. It wouldn’t harden schools, but it will sure take away the rights of the American people who follow the law. That’s what this is all about. It’s just so wrong, but it’s part of the pattern we’ve seen time and again, yeah, because it’s, it’s my God given right to own bump, stock devices.

Right. Guns without serial numbers and semiotic medic rifles, apparently, and, and whatever killing machine they invent next. Apparently my right as an American to have that is more sacred than your right. Not to be killed by it. Yeah. America,

Chris: the idea that he’s had doing a staunch defense of [00:27:00] assault weapons, I mean, this guy out of wear a dark top hat and have a wax Tambo bar mustache, he is the snidely whiplash of the Congress.

They’re trying to have a legitimate discussion. They’re not trying to stop the second amendment. They’re not trying to stop people from having firearms, but what they’re trying to do is to stop the weapons of mass killing when nobody needs that you don’t need it to defend yourself. You don’t need it to hunt.

And rather than allow that discussion to happen. He uses the Republican tropes, the Fox news, you know, nonsense from Tucker Carlson about how they’re trying to disarm you. Nobody’s trying to disarm anybody. They’re just saying we shouldn’t have military weapons in the hands of civilians.

Leila: Got, this is just such a, such a sensitive time to be making the kinds of arguments that he’s making.

Doesn’t he see that?

Lisa: Well, talking, talking about footfall and political theater, thy name is Jim Jordan. You know, he’s trying to thank you, [00:28:00] Lisa. Now he’s trying to distract from his role in the January 6th issue. So yeah. Hello.

Chris: Yeah, that’s true. He is under the gun cause he looks really bad as the one of the guys trying to overthrow our government.

The, the, uh, well, well, we’ll leave it there. Jim Jordan said so proud that he’s from Ohio. You’re listening for today in Ohio. With all that is going on these days, we need more protests and maybe the Cleveland Institute of art has the answer. What is the thrust of the exhibit called? We want everything which ends a week from today.

I’m disappointed. I’m not going to get to see it. I didn’t know about it until I read Steve lit story.

Lisa: I didn’t either. It’s a wonderful visual. And interactive exhibit at the Cleveland Institute of arts rineburger art gallery at university circle. It is closing June 10th. So you have about a week to see it.

It was organized by New York artist and activist, Josh McPhee, who graduated from Oberlin back in 1996. So it has a lot of graphic [00:29:00] posters, magazine album covers books and banners from protests. Stretching back really to the, to the start of our country. Um, the exhibit is made to look like a printing workshop.

I mean, they’ve got aprons hanging on the walls and people can make their own little, you know, print. They can play with rubber stamps that have various protests, themes, and anthems. They can print it on a small piece of paper. They can also. Create larger, multiple images on a rice old printer. And while you’re in the exhibit, there’s a four-hour soundtrack of protest songs from around the world.

A lot of these pieces are, you know, make fees creation. Um, so yeah, it sounds like it’s just a visual feast and in a way for people to kind of get their finger on the pulse of protests.

Chris: Yeah, Steve really made you want to see it and he knows how to write a story to really make something sound good to see.

I just wish I had known about it sooner. Good stuff. Steve’s story is on [00:30:00] cleveland.com. You’re listening to today in Ohio and that does it for a Friday. You all have big plans. Laila. You can do what anything this weekend. Are you still like digging out of your construction? Oh my gosh,

Leila: digging out, dig it out.

Lisa: plans, just being outside, probably going to the beach.

Chris: And Laura, you always have plans. You have more plans than anybody. I know. I have

Laura: a lot of conflicting plans, so it’s like, what do you choose? We are going camping at Kelly’s island. So I’m going to go see that Lakeside Daisy that, uh, Pete Krauss wrote about recently.

And I have never camped on Kelly’s. So, uh, And you’re

Chris: supposed to get good weather, so have a good time. Everybody have a great weekend. Thanks Laura. Thanks Lisa. Thanks Layla. Thank you for listening to the podcast. Come back Monday, we’ll be talking about some more news.

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