South Burlington's busiest intersection has apartment proposal

2021-12-27 15:52:51 By : Mr. Dennis xia

SOUTH BURLINGTON - Motorists stalled at stoplights on U.S. 2 can plainly see that big-scale work is underway at the Holiday Inn at Williston Road and Dorset Street.

Grand plans for the property have been on the drawing board since 2018.

This winter, they became even grander.

In addition to a second hotel along Williston Road, developer Joe Larkin now proposes to build a five-story apartment building.

Those expanded plans are currently under review by the Vermont Act 250 District Commission; Larkin says he'll put together a construction timetable if and when the commission approves a permit — possibly later this month.

Zoning regulations in this part of South Burlington allow for development to take place within specified "form-based" guidelines; designs that conform to those dimensional standards are subjected to less subjective vetting.

South Burlington's Development Review Board unanimously approved the upgrades in October.

A bonus for motorists: Larkin's plan includes upgrades to Williston Road, including the straightening of abruptly shifting lanes around this intersection.

Pedestrians and cyclists, too, might encounter more predictable traffic patterns: The property's entrance would be shifted east about 35 feet, to align with Dorset Street's crosswalks and traffic lights.

Address: 1068 Williston Road, South Burlington

Expected completion: Dependent on permitting; weather; supply chains; COVID.

What's being built: Renovated Holiday Inn; a new apartment building with ground-floor commercial space; new hotel.

Previously here: Hotel parking lot.

What’s in the neighborhood:

Project cost: About $18.3 million, according to state permit application. 

Developer: Larkin Hospitality/Champlain School Apartments Partnership (South Burlington)

Architect: BMA Architectural Group (Amherst, New Hampshire)

Reporter Joel Banner Baird can be reached at