SSI Schaefer presents a new shuttle system for bins and cartons

2022-05-28 05:47:43 By : Mr. Weihu Peng

Market trends and business perspectives

SSI Schaefer has unveiled a new shuttle system for bins and cartons in time for CeMAT

Schaefer has launched its Cuby shuttle system just in time for CeMAT 16, which takes place from 31 May to 3 June in Hannover, Germany.

Schaefer’s one-level shuttle system Cuby is designed for bins and cartons up to 35 kg, which rounds out their product range in this segment. 

The company says its new system is characterized by its “excellent storage density, availability and reliability, and also achieves high rentability in a short payback period”.

The last space shuttle was launched almost five years ago, continues Schaefer cryptically, adding that in warehouse technology, however, the trend towards shuttle systems remains unwavering.

“Most bids today require miniloads and also one-level shuttle systems,” explains Robert Fankhauser, product manager at SSI Schaefer.

Schaefer will be presenting the new storage system Cuby at the logistics trade fair CeMAT.

This will complement SSI Schaefer’s range of shuttle systems consisting of Navette (multi-level shuttle for small load carriers), Schaefer Tray System (multy-level shuttle for pallet layers) and the Schaefer Lift&Run (multi-level shuttle for pallets).

A Cuby consists of a rack, at least one lift, one shuttle per storage level, a shuttle crane at the back, maintenance platforms (lift platform and control cabinet platform at the front and access platform at the back) and the warehouse control.

In developing Cuby, SSI Schaefer optimized the functional distribution between rack and shuttle so that fewer sensors and actuators on the shuttle and load handling device were necessary.

This renders Cuby more reliable and cost-efficient than other one-level shuttle systems on the market, claims the company.

The patent-pending and “clever” usage of the support beam as a guide for the shuttle’s load handling device is “one of a kind”. SSI Schaefer claims to have been able to tap into its in-depth knowledge of machine and rack technology.

Shaefer says Cuby’s “robust, proven components ensure high system availability”. The system also contains a high degree of standardization and offers the best possible accessibility for maintenance and service tasks.

The rack has also been optimized in terms of fire protection. Instead of the usual rack shelves, gratings are used so that the water in the sprinkler system can easily run down several levels.

Filed Under: Logistics, News, Transportation Tagged With: cuby, rack, schaefer, shuttle, ssi, system, systems

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