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2022-05-28 05:40:23 By : Mr. Cooper Chen

Oxford Nanopore Technologies announced it has integrated Remora, a tool to enable whole-genome methylation detection from PCR-free nanopore sequencing, with the company's sequencing software MinKnow. Remora can run in parallel to standard basecalling, and the process takes 10 minutes at no additional cost, the company said. Remora can deliver high methylation detection accuracy from a single read and provides biological insight into eukaryotic samples at only 20X coverage, according to the company.

Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX Duet Real-Time PCR System

Bio-Rad Laboratories has launched the CFX Duet Real-Time PCR system to support researchers developing singleplex and duplex qPCR assays.

The CFX Duet is a two-color system that is factory calibrated for common dyes. It allows the quantification of up to two targets in genotyping and multiple gene expression analyses without the need for passive reference dyes. It also offers the thermal cycling performance and optical shuttle system of the CFX Opus System, with thermal gradient functionality to enable optimization in fewer runs. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) mode also supports protein melt analysis for basic protein characterization.

The CFX Duet utilizes CFX Maestro software for experimental setup and analysis as well as to deliver reports, obviating the need for exporting data to other programs, Bio-Rad said.

NanoString Technologies Integrated Informatics Workflow

NanoString Technologies has launched a new integrated informatics workflow that improves the spatial data analysis experience of customers using Illumina NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 sequencing systems and the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler. According to the company, the cloud-based workflow allows GeoMx users to plan their NextSeq 1000 or 2000 sequencing runs using software on the GeoMx instrument and is coupled to automated downstream data processing using Dragen Bio-IT, Illumina's platform for secondary data analysis. Upon completion of sequence processing, the spatially resolved digital counts of RNA or protein are ported directly to the GeoMx system, allowing researchers to interact, visualize, and analyze their multiomic data.

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