Disposable Tissue Retrieval Bag Laparoscopic Tissue Retrieval Bag

G-RB02 Disposable Tissue Retrieval Bag- Bag with grip (Medium)Disposable tissue reterieval bags are used to storage of tissues and safely and easily retrieve the tissues after or during laparoscopic procedures. It is supply in sterile.- ISO10993 Compatible;- DEHP free and latex free;- Good pulling handle that has reliable suppor

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G-RB02 Disposable Tissue Retrieval Bag- Bag with grip (Medium)

Disposable tissue reterieval bags are used to storage of tissues and safely and easily retrieve the tissues after or during laparoscopic procedures. It is supply in sterile.

- ISO10993 Compatible;

- DEHP free and latex free;

- Good pulling handle that has reliable support force to release the  bag fixing loop.

- Reliable spring force of fixing loop to expend the bag to a good open;

- Easy and reliable withdarwal tube
to close fixing loop for final retrieving
  after and during procedures;

- Bag with grips benefitial to have a good close of bag open;

- EO Sterilization;

- 3 Years Shelf life;

Disposable Tissue Retrieval Bag Laparoscopic Tissue Retrieval BagDisposable Tissue Retrieval Bag Laparoscopic Tissue Retrieval Bag
G-RB0303Flexible800ml(10mm Tube)120Pcs
G-RB0304Flexible800ml(12mm Tube)120Pcs


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